What is ABA?
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a therapy based on the science of learning and behavior.
ABA therapy applies our understanding of how behavior works to real situations. The goal is to increase behaviors that are helpful and decrease behaviors that are harmful or affect learning.
For a more thorough explanation, see the ABA page of Autism Speaks.
Credit: https://www.autismspeaks.org/
Focus on behaviors with social and significant importance
What people do that is both observable and measurable
Identifying a functional relationship between behavior and environmental events
ABA services can make significant improvements in the areas of communication, social skills, functional skills, academics, and behavior reduction. Here are a few examples:
- Asking for specific items
- Making choices
- Greater interest in children and other adults
- Reducing behaviors such as tantrums, self-injury, aggression, and property destruction
- Improved focus in academic settings
- Gaining new functional play skills

In-home services
ABA services in the comfort and privacy of your own home!
Your family will be assigned a BCBA and RBT who will come to your home 6-40 hours a week. The number of hours depends on your child’s current needs and availability. During these sessions, your RBT will provide ABA therapy directly with your child under the direction and supervision of your BCBA. In home programs are designed to target communication, social skills, functional skills, unwanted behavior reduction, and sometimes academic skills. Complex goals are broken down into smaller steps that are easier for your child to understand and achieve. In home therapy allows your child to construct functional skills in a familiar environment.
Caregiver Training
Consistency is key!
Your BCBA will work directly with you to develop individualized caregiver training based on the needs and priorities of your child and family. During training, your BCBA will verbally train caregivers, demonstrate skills, and provide suggestions and feedback. Additionally, you will be updated with your child’s progress and any changes in programming. Consistency in programming is key to success in ABA. Participating in caregiver training allows for more learning opportunities for your child.
School Services
We help make sure your child is receiving the services they deserve!
If your child attends a private school, and the school approves, your RBT will provide direct ABA therapy in the school setting. Therapy may be provided in both home and school settings depending on the allotted therapy hours. Just like in home services, your BCBA will provide direct oversight of the program.
Your BCBA will attend Individualized Education Plan (IEP) meetings with the family to advocate for your child’s services in the school setting. With permission, your BCBA will consult with the child’s teacher and school behavior resources as needed to ensure your child’s success.
Community Services
Ensuring your child’s success wherever needed!
Community outings are a great way to assure that goals learned in other settings are still effective in the community while promoting independence with social and life skills.
What is a BCBA?
A Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) is a certification that requires a graduate level degree in applied behavior analysis. A BCBA will determine and make modifications to your child’s goals, conduct caregiver training, collaborate with other service providers, and oversee all aspects of your child’s program. Depending on the program, a BCBA will come to sessions weekly or bi-weekly to supervise the Registered Behavior Technician (RBT) and work with your child.
What is an RBT?
A Registered Behavior Technician (RBT) is a trained and certified clinician who provides 1:1 therapy with your child under the supervision of a BCBA. Each child has a dedicated RBT to promote consistency and ensure quality of care.
All Eleos staff members complete a vigorous training program before working with your child. We believe that progress is made with quality services.
All services are individualized and include a combination of communication, social, functional, and academic skills. The amount of each depends on the individual program.
One of the main ABA strategies used in our programs is positive reinforcement. Reinforcement is used to increase desired behavior. Your child’s BCBA and RBT will identify preferred items (I.e, a toy, video, candy, cookies, attention, social praise, etc.) and use them to reward desired behaviors (i.e, requesting items, sitting quietly, completing tasks, following directions, etc. )